Owner of Tax Resource Center
I am the owner of Tax Resource Center, a business dedicated to income tax return preparation. I have been in business since 1999. About 7 years ago I was informed that the IRS was auditing a lot of my client's tax returns.
I spoke with the IRS agent and soon learned that the IRS believed that a lot of my clients' tax returns claimed tax credits and expenses that the clients were not entitled to take.
The IRS began asking clients if they told me to take the tax credit or expense in issue. The clients told the IRS that they did not know how the credit or expense got onto their tax return.
The case became a criminal case and I was the target of the investigation. I hired tax attorney David M. Garvin.
Mr. Garvin prepared me for a long fight. After six years I was indicted. Mr. Garvin represented me at the trial. I can honestly state that I had no idea the number of hours of preparation that goes into preparing for a trial. It was amazing.
When the trial started I knew that we had done everything possible to prepare. However, there was no guarantee that we would win. I was a nervous wreck. Sleepless nights were common.
I was impressed by Mr. Garvin's command of the courtroom during my trial. His closing argument was excellent.
I was overjoyed when the jury returned its verdict of not guilty on all counts.
Noe Mompoint